Convent Glen Dental

Medical History Form

6384 Fortune Drive Orléans, ON, K1C 1Y9      613-830-2222

Patient's Name:
Patient's E-mail:
Patient's Cell:
Patient's D.O.B.
Physician's Name:
Physician's Phone #:
Date of Last Visit:
Date of Last Physical:
Name of Medical Specialist:
Area of Specialty:
Phone #:
Estimate of General Health:

Indicate which of the following conditions apply to you presently or in the past.

YesNo YesNo
hospitalization for illness or injury allergic/adverse reaction to aspirin
allergic/adverse reaction to antibiotics allergic/adverse reaction to codeine
allergic/adverse reaction to local anesthetics, etc. allergic/adverse reaction to fluoride
allergic/adverse reaction to metals (gold, etc.) allergic/adverse reaction to latex
allergic/adverse reaction to foods allergic/adverse reaction to other medications
advised against taking any medication heart problems (angina, heart attack, rhythm, etc.)
heart murmur or mitral valve prolapse rheumatic or scarlet fever
artificial heart valve or pacemaker artificial joints
advised to take antibiotics before dental visit high blood pressure
low blood pressure high cholesterol
stroke swelling of ankles, feet, or hands
anemia or other blood disorder prolonged bleeding due to slight cut
asthma bronchitis
tuberculosis shortness of breath on exertion
sinus problems kidney disease
liver disease/jaundice hepatitis
thyroid or parathyroid disease hormone deficiency, glandular disorders
diabetes (personal or family history) stomach or duodenal ulcer
digestive disorders special diet presently
recent weight, appetite or energy level change arthritis/rheumatism
glaucoma eye glasses/ contact lenses
earaches/ear/throat infections frequently hearing difficulties
epilepsy or seizures fainting or dizzy spells
headaches, severe, frequent head/neck injuries
HIV/AIDS viral infections, cold sores (herpes)
venereal disease any lumps or swelling in the mouth
hives, skin rash, hay fever cancer, leukemia, lymphoma
tumour, abnormal growth radiation or chemotherapy
organ transplant, medical implant emotional problems
psychiatric treatment antidepressant medication
alcohol/drug dependency eating disorders
malignant hyperthermia steroid therapy
diet pill therapy presently or in the last year treated for any illness
any change in your general health in the last year a heavy smoker (use chewing tobacco)
FEMALE – taking birth control pills FEMALE – pregnant (or suspect you are)
FEMALE – breast feeding MALE – prostate disorders
CHILD – recent measles, mumps, chicken pox CHILD – recent strep throat, tonsillitis
Do you currently have, or have had in the past, any disease, condition or problem not listed above? Is there anything else about your health we should be made aware of?
Do you wish to speak to the Doctor privately about any problem or medical condition?
Please describe any current medical treatment, impending surgery, or other treatment that may possibly affect your dental treatment.
List any medications, non-prescription drugs or herbal supplements of any kind.

I, the undersigned, certify that I have provided an accurate and complete personal medical history and have not knowingly omitted any information. I have had the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers to any questions regarding my medical history. Should there be any change in my health status in the future, I will advise this dental office. I authorize the dentist to perform diagnostic procedures that may be required to determine necessary treatment. I understand that information provided from or to my medical doctor(s) or another health care provider may be necessary, and I consent to the release of this information.

Patient/Parent/Guardian Signature: