Dental Specialists of Windsor

New Patient Intake Form

5745 Wyandotte St. E., Suite 100, Windsor, ON, N8S 1M6      519-974-0230

Welcome to Dental Specialists of Windsor

Your co-operation in completing this questionnaire is essential to providing you with the highest standard of dental care. All information is strictly confidential and will remain with this office. Our receptionist is available to assist you with the completion of this form.

Personal Information

*Patient's Name:
*Patient's E-mail:
*Patient's D.O.B.
*Postal Code:
Tel. Home:
Tel. Cell:
Tel. Work:
Place of Business:
May we text you to confirm appointments?
May we call you at work?
May we email you to confirm appointments?
In case of Emergency, Please Notify:
Phone #
Family Physician:
Physician's Phone #:
Family Dentist:
Dentist's Phone #:

Medical History

Are you currently in good health?
If NO, please explain
Have you been under the care of a physician during the last two years?
If YES, please explain

Do you have a sensitivity or allergy to:

YesNo YesNo
Penicillin Aspirin/Anti-inflammatory pills
Erythromycin Latex
Tetracycline Local Anaesthetic (dental freezing)
Do you have any other sensitivities/allergies not listed above?
Do you smoke cigarettes, pipe, cigars, marijuana, hookah?
if yes, how many / much per day?
List all forms of tobacco and marijuana use.
Are you alcohol and/or drug dependant?
If yes, have you received any treatment?
Please list any pills currently taken: (Prescription & non-prescription drugs, vitamins, herbal meds, Aspirin, etc.)
Pharmacy name and location
Pharmacy phone number

Medical History

Please check if you have or had any of the following:

YesNo YesNo
Anemia Heart Attack
Lung Disease Artificial Heart Valve
Heart Murmur Malignant Hyperthermia
Artificial Joints (hip, knee, etc) Heart Pacemaker
Mitral Valve Prolapse Heart Arrhythmia
Organ Transplant Blood Disorder
Heart Surgery Osteoporosis
Bronchitis Hepatitis (A, B, C, D)
Radiation Therapy Cancer
Chemotherapy Circulatory Problems
High Blood Pressure Sinus Problems
Cholesterol (High) Low Blood Pressure
Stomach/Intestinal Problems Diabetes
Emphysema Hypoglycemia
Thyroid Problems Epilepsy
Kidney Disease Tuberculosis
Heart Disease Liver Disease
List any other illness not included above:

Dental History

When was your last dental visit?
Date of last dental cleaning?
Are you currently in pain?
Do your gums bleed when BRUSHING:
Do your gums bleed when FLOSSING:
Do your gums bleed SPONTANEOUSLY:
Do your gums feel swollen or tender?
Are you aware of any loose teeth?
Are your teeth sensentive to COLD:
Are your teeth sensentive to HOT:
Are your teeth sensentive to SWEETS:
How often do you brush your teeth?
Have you had any of the following dental treatments in the past?
Orthodontic treatment (braces)
Oral Surgery (extractions, jaw surgery)
Periodontal treatment (gum treatment)
Are you anxious about receiving dental treatment?
Do you require Antibiotic coverage prior to dental cleanings?
If yes, which antibiotic do you take?

Office Policy

Welcome to our office. It is our goal to provide you with the highest possible standards of dental care. Please remember that once you have made an appointment, this time is reserved for you. If cancellation is necessary, we would ask for at least 48 hours notice to prevent delays in treatment. Failure to give adequate notice may result in a cancellation fee.

This office bases its fees on the current Ontario Dental Association fee guide. Office policy is that services are to be paid for at each visit as they are performed. If your dental plan does not cover the full cost of your treatment, you will be responsible for any difference between the amount paid by your plan and the amount charged for your treatment.

General Release

I, the undersigned, certify that I have provided an accurate and complete personal and medical-dental history and have not knowingly omitted any information. I have had the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers to any questions regarding my medical-dental history. I authorize the dentist to perform diagnostic procedures and treatment as may be necessary for proper dental care. I also understand that consultation with my medical doctor may be required, and I consent to my physician being contacted if necessary. I understand that the responsibility for payment for the dental services provided for myself, or my dependents, is mine, and I will assume responsibility for fees associated with these services.

Patient/Parent/Guardian Signature: